Prosiect Tecstilau Cymunedol Bethel / Bethel Community Textile Project
Sun, 23 Jan
Sut hoffech chi gymryd rhan mewn creu darn o waith tecstiliau i gynrychioli eich cymuned? Would you like to be involved in creating a piece of textile work representing your community?

Time & Location
23 Jan 2022, 11:00 – 15:00
Bethel, B4366, Bethel, Caernarfon LL55, UK
About the Event
Prosiect Tecstilau Cymunedol Bethel
Sut hoffech chi gymryd rhan mewn creu darn o waith tecstiliau i gynrychioli eich cymuned? Rydym yn chwilio am bobl o bob oed sy’n byw yn ardal Bethel i ddod at ei gilydd i greu darn o waith sy’n cynrychioli eu cymuned. Bydd y grŵp yn cynllunio, datblygu a chreu darn arbennig o waith, gan ddod at ei gilydd fel grŵp cymunedol yn ein gofod ym Methel. Mae modd cymryd rhan yn y prosiect hwn yn rhad ac am ddim ond a fyddech cystal â chofrestru eich manylion cyswllt drwy ein gwefan.  Edrychwn ymlaen at glywed gennych ac i’ch croesawu i’n safle.
Bethel Community Textile Project
Would you like to be involved in creating a piece of textile work representing your community? We are looking for people of all ages that live in the Bethel area to come together and create a work that represents the community. The group will design, develop and create of a special piece of work, while coming together as a community group at our space in Bethel. Participation in this project is free but please register your contact information via our website. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our space.